January Julep Maven Box

It’s already that time of the month again. Julep Maven un-boxing time, that is.

This month Julep released their Resort Collection, neons and nudes. To get us all out of our winter blues! It has only been cold a handful of day here in Florida so I’m always ready for neons. In fact, I think Julep read my mind… remember my post last month? I was itching for neons!

Ok, lets get to it and see what’s in the box:Image

I went with the Boho Glam box this month. It features Fiona (neon) and Teresa (nude).Image

I noticed on the bottom of the bottles this month(year) that Julep adding the year plus 3/120 and 4/120. I really like this. For any Julep collectors this will be handy to make sure you have all 120, 2013 polishes. It kind of makes me want to make sure I get all 120 bottles too. I don’t know how I’ll pull that off just yet lol.Image

The product this month is a Hand and Cuticle stick. I normally use Burt’s Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream. So I’m interested to see how this compares. I’d love to tell you exactly what this smells like but I’m fighting a cold so my sense of smell is a little off lol. To me it smells a bit like floral and citrus. ImageAnother neat thing Julep came out with this year was their “Swatch Me” stickers. In the past I’ve just painted the lids of my Julep bottles so that I know which is what in my Helmer. They offered these as add on’s this month too but I didn’t buy any. I didn’t think I’d like them or find a use for them since I had my other method. Truth be told, I love them! I need more. Another extra added this month were these neon hair ties! They’re so cute!Image

But wait! There’s more! I chose 3 add on’s this month.


I love the one step remover pads so I added them on this month to make sure I always have some on hand. I also wanted two more of the neons. I picked out Nina and Madison.Image

They’re numbers 8 and 11 of the collection. ImageHere are all 4 polishes swatched on the “Swatch Me” stickers. Image

What did you think of this month’s box? A lot of people were upset with it. I guess that’s bound to happen though. You can’t make everyone happy. I, however, am IN LOVE! I plan on nail swatching all four of these colors for you all the rest of this week so stay tuned for that.

And as usual… If you’re not a Julep Maven yet and want to become one, you can find my referral button to the right of the page. Or just click here. Julep is monthly subscription service for  $19.99 a month. You wont be mad about it ;).

Glitter, Glitter, Glitter!

I hope you all had a wonderful holidays! I know Christmas was exciting around here. Little J had so many awesome gifts. He’s still trying to figure out what to play with first. 🙂

I’m going to take a bit of a nail break the rest of the year. I wore myself out this month with the challenge and my swatching in between. I have a couple of nail breaks on my right hand from opening boxes yesterday so I’m going to chop them all down to nubbins and leave them oiled up and naked for a few days. Luckily my nails grow really fast so they wont stay short for long.

Before I do that though, I wanted to fulfill a couple of requests. My first request was the Julep Mystery Glitter. Some people had stickers on the bottom of theirs that said this glitter was called Erica. Mine didn’t have a sticker. Erica is a clear base full of black micro glitter that almost makes this polish look like it’s in a black base. There are gold, bronze, and silver glitter throughout as well.


I did a little comparison in this picture also. On my index and ring finger I used one coat of black polish then one coat of the mystery glitter. My other 3 fingers are just two coats of the mystery glitter. You really can’t tell the difference. Personally, I like the way it looks layered over the black polish though so that’s probably how I’ll be wearing this one. It will save on polish too!

My next request was a swatch comparison of Julep Barbara and Chelsea. When I opened my mystery box and saw Chelsea I thought it looked just like Barbara (in my head). But once I finally got out my bottle of Barbara I realized they were different after all. Then when I actually swatched them side by side on my nails you could REALLY see the difference. They’re not alike at all.


My index and ring finger have Barbara and my middle and pinky fingers are Chelsea. All are two coats, no undies.

Where’s My Chauffeur?

Welcome to week 2 of my colored weeks challenge! My little guy, Jayden, picked out the color for this week. Of course he chose his favorite of all colors. Blue! So I’ll be providing you with a week full of blue :).

I was in Target yesterday and ran into their Essie display which had the new holiday colors. I’d seen a swatch recently of Where’s My Chauffeur? and knew I had to have it. I’m a sucker for turquoise. 

Check out how pretty this is!




There are a few more polishes I want to get from this collection too. I’m loving the Holiday collections!